So many of us get trapped in the matrix spell thinking “It’s safer to stay in my corporate job than taking a risk and working for myself”.
But the truth is, security is an illusion. That job you’re clinging onto for dear life, can close its doors or fire you tomorrow. Is that really safe, stable or guaranteed?
Our matrix jobs tell us when and where to be and determine our worth, capping the amount we can be paid. When we work for ourselves, we choose when to work, and with whom, and the sky is the limit of how much we can get paid.
You know you didn’t just come to this planet to sell your soul for a paycheck and suppress your true soul’s purpose.
You didn’t come onto this planet to work a job you hate, suffer, and buy stuff to make yourselves feel better about it. (Which further perpetuates the cycle of debt, outcomes of the matrix spell).
Working at a job that you hate is wasting precious moments in your life but is also self-induced abuse. The long-term effect of staying at careers that are not fulfilling and keeps us in scarcity are diseases, depression, obesity.. the list goes on.
Not to mention, what it does to our happiness, our relationships and the impact it has on anyone around us, including our family and children, to see us suffering every day.
The definition of insanity is hope, wishing and wanting our lives to change while consciously going to the same job that is keeping you stuck.
Further keeping you feeling empty and unfulfilled and out of integrity with your soul’s contract and perpetuating the lack of self-trust and self-worth — which is the most cruel thing that you can do to yourself.
It’s about loving yourself enough to invest in support so that you can build an incredible life, where you are shining your light and becoming a magnet to your desires.
When you trust Spirit has your back and take action accordingly, life will get better and you’ll stop living in the fear that has you victim to your current circumstances.
When you step into a portal with support, accountability, encouragement, and magic, not only do you get fired up and inspired about your mission …
But you create the environment that rewires your belief systems and makes fulfilling your life purpose mission inevitable.
That’s how you do your part to co-create the New Earth.
Are you ready to unlock your divine potential—and launch or amplify your thriving, spiritual-based business?